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  • To provide a forum for alumni of the institute i.e. to bring all the student of M.R.A.D.C. Bangalore under one forum for exchange of experience , dissemination of knowledge and talents amongst its members and also for the furtherance of fellowship, promotion and advancement of scientific knowledge in general of the dental professional
  • To engage in such academic and social activities as shall contribute towards promoting liaisonbetween the alumni and intuition
  • To keep alive love, spirit, affection and gratitude for our alma mater.
  • To raise or collect funds by subscriptions, contribution, donation, loans or by any other legal means for furtherance of the above objective of the association
  • To conduct seminar , conferences, workshops, meetings of dental professional and faculties for the purpose of promotion of medical or dental knowledge …..
  • To represent and participate in such seminars , conferences , workshops and meetings conducted by various dental professionals associations , medical association, establishments and to seek recognition {representation) in various forms of state and central govt. Quasi govt. organizations , private and other autonomous bodies , with a view to contribute to the furtherance of the objectives of the associations
  • To advise and interact with state and central govt. bodies, universities , professional associations and associations of pharmaceutical and dental equipment manufacturing industries and marketing agencies on matters relating to promotion of dental education and training , hospital management & dental health care systems
  • To create and establish endowments for granting scholarships and prizes to the student of M.R.A.D.C. Bangalore with a view to promote and encourage talents of dental students
  • To protect the rights and interests of the members of the association and to do all such acts, deeds and things as may be incidental, conducive to or necessary for the furtherance of the above objective

Powers and factions of the association

  • The association shall have powers to enroll members, form comities, sub committees and call for the periodical meetings to achieve objectives mentioned above
  • Further, the association may organize sports, games and other social act ivies for the benefit of its members and their families
  • The association may also engage itself in such other activies , in conformity with the rules and relations given here under


The alumni or association shall have the following categories of the members:

A. Life members

B. Associate members

C. Honorary members



Life members

Those who have awarded in degree or diploma by M.R.A.D.C. are eligible to become life members

Associate members

Faculty of M.R.A.D.C. who have served atlest one year are eligible to be associate members as long as they are in M.R.A.D.C. or the faculty who are superannuated from M.R.A.D.C. .they will not have voting rights and they are not eligible to be considered for distinguished alumni award

Honorary members

All past Directors of dental science are honorary members. They will not have voting rights and they are not eligible to be considered for distinguished alumni award

Membership fee

The membership fee as decided by executive committee from time to time will prevail

Admission of Members

Alumni register:

  • The milana, alumni shall maint6aine a register of all members showing the date of admission, name, addresses, and dates of changes of one class of membership to another class of membership
  • Any member of MILANA M.R.A.D.C. ALUMNI shall be entitled to inspect the register of members after due service of a notice upon the secretary of the ALUMNI intimating his intention at least fifteen days prior to the date of inspection

Management of the association

  • The affairs of the MILANA, M.R.A.D.C. ALUMNI shall be managed by an Executive Committee consisting of 16 members via, President, two vice presidents, secretary, joint secretary, treasurer and 10 committee members
  • The members of the executive committee shall be elected by the member of the association at the annual general body meeting and they shall hold office for a period of two years
  • All the outgoing executive committee members are eligle for reelection
  • The executive committee shall have the freedom to co-opt members from time to time for the efficient functioning of MILANA M.R.A.D.C. ALUMNI
  • All previous president of association shall be ex office members of executive committee

Election of office bearers and executive committee

  • The mode of election shall be by secret ballot
  • The procedure of the election shall laid down by the executive committee including the appointment of electoral officer
  • All terms of office of the elected member shall commence form the close of AGBM at while election were held shall continue for a period of 2 years or till the close of the second AGBM While ever is earlier
  • The member cont hold the same office for than 2 consecutive terms
  • In the event of the vacancy at any level in the executive committee, the executive committee shall have the freedom to nominate a member to fill the vacancy
  • By convention, executive committee will select vice president as president –n elect who will become president in the sub sequent term. This will be ratified by annual general body

Duties of executive committee

  • Executive committee is the executive body representing alumni or asso0ciation
  • To co ordinate the activies of the ALUMNI
  • To consider all communition adrers to ALUMNI
  • To appoint suitable office staff and fix their remuneration
  • To be in charge of and protect the properties of ALUMNI
  • To prepare and submit anna report including balanced sheet audited account or statement of income and expenditure
  • To authorizes all the activities, progammes including budget and expenditure

Duties of the office bearers of the MILANA M.R.A.D.C. ALUMNI


  • To protect, foster, countenance and support alumni association and its activies

Duties of the office bearers of the MILANA M.R.A.D.C. ALUMNI


  • To protect, foster, countenance and support alumni association and its activities


  • He shall preside over all the meetings he may allocate suitable responsibilities to the members
  • He may appoint workings groups , subcommittee ,etc and nominate representatives MILANA M.R.A.D.C. ALUMNI on vacancies , govt, or instate and /or other bodies when invited to do so
  • He shall act on behalf of executive committee of MILANA M.R.A.D.C. ALUMNI


  • Shall act as president in the absence of the president / president elect
  • In addition to his duties as a member of the executive committee, he shall preside over committee meetings in the absence of both president and president –elect.

General Secretary

  • The general sectary shall attend to the day to day correspondence and communication to MILANA M.R.A.D.C. ALUMNI
  • Maintained official records of the MILANA M.R.A.D.C. ALUMNI
  • Be an ex offio member of the all the committee of MILANA M.R.A.D.C. ALUMNI
  • Maintain general supervision over the office staff
  • He shall be responsible for calling meetings of the executive committee in consultation with the president
  • He shall be responsible for filing of annual report of MILANA M.R.A.D.C. ALUMNI With the registrar of the societies after every annual and other special general meeting, financial statement with the income tax officer and such other statutory requirements and also maintain minutes of the meeting.

Joint secretary

  • The joint secretary shall assist to the secretary in discharging his duties
  • He shall carry out such other duties as may be assigned to him from time to time by executive committee
  • He shall assume charge as secretary in the absence of the secretary or when requested to do so by the executive committee


  • The treasurer shall maintain the account of the MILANA M.R.A.D.C. ALUMNI
  • Be an ex-officio member of all committee involving financial implication and shall be the convener of the finance committee
  • He is responsible for maintain all the financial transactions of MILANA M.R.A.D.C. ALUMNI
  • He shall be responsible for getting audited statements of MILANA M.R.A.D.C. ALUMNI prepare for the presentation at annual general meetings and file the same with income tax authorities when duty passed by general body


  • The financial year of the MILANA M.R.A.D.C. ALUMNI shall commence from April first of a year and close on the 31st march of preceding year
  • The funds of the MILANA M.R.A.D.C. ALMNI shall be deposited in a scheduled banks in the name of MILANA M.R.A.D.C. ALUMHI and shall be operated jointly by the treasurer and the secretary or any other member of the office bearers duly authorized by the executed committee


  • The general body of the MILANA M.R.A.D.C. ALUMNI shall meet at least every year, preferably on the first day of June. Quorum for the general body meeting will be minimum 2/3 members
  • A special general body may be convened at the instance of the president or the executive committee or by at least 1/3 members who may give notice in writing to the secretary
  • A minimum notice of 21 days shall be given for annual general body meeting and of 7 days for special ….general body meetings.


  • A certied shall be appointed by the general body at its annual meeting t audit the account of the MILANMA M.R.A.D.C. ALUMNI


  • All unsolved dispute shall be refer to paton and his decision shall be final and binding on all parties

Dissolution Clause

  • In the event of dissolution or winding up of MILANA M.R.A.D.C. ALUMNI the assets remaining as on the date of dissolution shall under no circumstance be distributed among the members of the executive committee of the MILANA M.R.A.D.C. ALUMNI but the same shall be transferred to M.R.A.D.C.

Statutory provision

Investment Claus

  •  The funds of the MILANA M.R.A.D.C. ALUMNI shall be 8nvested in the modes specified under the provisions of section 13 (1)(d) read with section 11 (5) of the income tax act 1961 as amended from time to time

 Accounts clause

  • There shall be maintained all accounts of the MILANA M.R.A.D.C. ALUMNI regularly. The account shall be audited by charted accountant. Every year the account shall be closed by 31 march

Amendment clause 

  • No amendments to the rules and regulation shall bne made which may prove repugnant to the provision section 2 (15),11,12 , 13, 80(G) of the income tax act 1961 as amended from time to time . Further no amendment shall be carried out with prior approval of commissar of income tax


All the incomes, earnings movable or immovable properties or funds, and income of the MILANAM.R.A.D.C. ALUMNI shall be solely utilizes for the achievement of the objects and no portion their off shall be paid or transfer directly by the way of dividends, bonus, profits, or in any6 manner what so ever, to the present or past members of society or to any person claiming through any one or more present or past members. No member of the society shall have any personal claim on any movable or immovable properties of the society or make any profit, what so ever by virtue of his membership etc however nothing here in contained shall prevent made in good faith toward reasonable remuneration to, or reimbursement of travelling and other expense incurred by , any member of the executive committee or office or employee of the association for the propose and business of the association

Saving clause

In respect of the matters no specialty provided for … these by-laws , the provision of the Karnataka society registration act will apply

Desirous Members

We the undersigned are desirous of forming a ASSOCIATION namely MILANA M.R.A.D.C. ALUMNI under the Karnataka Societies registration act 1860 in pursuance of this memorandum of association

Life members
Associate members
Honorary members

Contact us

1, 36, Cline Rd, Balaji Layout, Cooke Town, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560005

How to Apply?

Tell us a little about yourself and we’ll help with the rest. Our convenient online application tool only takes 10 minutes to complete.

After you submit your application, an admissions representative will contact you and will help you to complete the process.

Once you’ve completed your application we Register you with MILANA after a verification process.


Registration Form for MILANA
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